Waterfront Barge Showboat & Museum

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Boat Banter on the Barge session 1

Boat Banter Steve Mentz

A low-key conversation about boats, maritime, and ideas connected to water and waterfronts featuring Steve Mentz, professor of English at St. John’s University, ocean swimmer, and author of works of scholarship and poetry will join David Sharps, Stefan D-W, and the rest of the Waterfront Museum staff for a casual conversation about boats, maritime poetry, and whatever other topics the tide washes in on Saturday, February 3, 2024 between 2 and 3pm at the Waterfront Museum barge moored at Brooklyn’s Pier 44 (290 Conover St.). This is during the museum’s regular open hours and admission is by suggested donation (people usually leave between $2 and $20).


Boat Banter on the Barge brings experts to the Waterfront Museum’s showboat barge during the winter months for low-key conversation about boats, maritime, and ideas connected to water and waterfronts. Experts draw up a chair in the heated side of the barge during the museum’s regular open hours on Saturday afternoons, and all visitors are invited to participate in the conversation as much or as little as they like. Our guest experts come from academia, industry, and preservation. They include scholars in blue humanities, coastal studies, landscape history, and related fields as well as marine and industrial historians and archaeologists, tug and ship captains, engineers, boatwrights and more.

Steve Mentz teaches Shakespeare, early modern literature, environmental humanities, ecocritical theory, eco-poetics, and blue (or oceanic) humanities at St. John’s University. His poetry collection Sailing without Ahab comes out in April. Past works include An Introduction to the Blue Humanities (2023), Ocean (2020), Break Up the Anthropocene (2019), Shipwreck Modernity: Ecologies of Globalization, 1550-1719 (2015), and At the Bottom of Shakespeare’s Ocean (2009)

This event receives support from the Queens College MLS/MA Dual Degree in Library Science and History program.

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